Yesterday, Thursday, 8th March 2018, Mr Karamo Bojang, the Principal of Nusrat Senior Secondary School held the school’s first ever press conference to inform the general public about the inauguration of our latest innovation to introduce Computer Based Examination. As you know, in Nusrat Senior Secondary School we have online registration and that students view their results online. There are no report books or cards to be sent home and returned or whatnot.
Every parent or guardian can now sit in their house or office and; register their child into Nusrat, view their child’s attendance, view their child’s results, view their child’s disciplinary record and so on.
Now, the innovative Mr Bojang (I call him the Teacher Par Excellence) felt that the next step should be to gradually eliminate paper-based examinations. This is tedious and vulnerable to cheating and examination malpractices. Also, it is very expensive on the school and very cumbersome for teachers who have to mark each paper manually, enter the marks on a merit lists, broadsheets, and finally report cards. With the new initiative, all one needs to do is sit over a computer and it will automatically generate random questions for you to write. The machine then does the marking, collating and result is generated.
By Musa Bah (ThaScribbler)
I’m so proud of my Alma mata, they keep making me proud..
Nusrat School Of Our Choice……. Proud of my of former school.
I am so proud of Nusrat… like I just keep telling my friends, if all senior schools in The Gambia, wants to excels in their academic performance, they should and most take Nusrat as an exemplary. Keep it higher always.
This is no surprise. Nusrat is corruption free and so prosperity will continue. From Mr Tajan Foon to Mr Karamo Bojang, the school has progressed and maintained high standard. May Almighty Allah reward all the contributors and scholars of this great institution- Ameen. Nusrat has kept its motto intact.
Now that’s what I’m talking about! It’s high time technology is integrated into our education system. We live in an era of instant information and we should attempt to close the gap. Perhaps, soon or someday, you (Nusrat Senior Secondary School and others) can provide portable tablets or laptops say Chromebooks to your students for educational purposes instead of big-heavy text books.
Bravo Team KSB! Bravo Nusrat !
My Alma Mata is just great. We always surprise people, thumps up to Mr. Bojang and team. “Nusrat Innovates and Others Follow”
Good invention by our great principal Mr. Bojang, we are hoping to see more in advance.