21st June, 2018 marked another remarkable campaign for the election of the school’s deputies –head boy and head girl for both morning and afternoon shifts. This event gives Nusrat students the chance to elect those they believe have the leadership potentials to help maintain the school rules and regulations, for a better Nusrat.
Hearing words like no more injustice, corruption free and vote for change from campaigners showed us that the students were ready to vote for change. On the 23rd of June, 2018, students made their choices through the ballot box after patiently listening to the manifestos of the various candidates. The able students who took up the challenge were: Bintou Sanneh of 11 Arts, Fatou Sowe of 11 Science 3, Pa Sering Jeng of 11 Commerce 1 and Yusuf Saho of 11 Science 1, out of which two were elected to serve the named posts.
Later in the afternoon the results were announced by Ustass Ibrahim Kah, the head of the electoral commission with the following statistics:
Fatou Sowe (11S3) – 473 votes
Yusuf Saho (11S1) – 361 votes
Bintou Sanneh (11AM) – 176 votes
Pa Sering Jeng (11C1M) – 292 votes
According to the above statistics, Yusuf Saho and Fatou Sowe were elected to serve the posts of Deputy Head Boy and Head Girl for the morning shift. There was no oppose for the candidates in the afternoon shift.
Below are some images of the event.
By Ramatoulie Jallow
Intetresting page i luv it